Boundary Dwellers

By Hell4Murph

Isn't it lovely.

The Canongate in the late afternoon sun: a lovely upward sweep, clearly visible with a break in the traffic and the crowds.

Huntly House across the street; further up, Old Moray House where the Act of Union is said to have been signed in the little summer house (still surviving).

On this side, the clock of the People's Story Museum and the cherry trees of the Canongate Kirkyard; further up, the simple but clever 'new' tenements of the 1930s, built to rehouse people who had been living in the slums surrounding the breweries, but soon to be demolished to create a new 'New St' and give better access to the building site that will be Caltongate, where the 'affordable housing' will down in the dark canyon of Calton Rd.

Only in Edinburgh.

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