Busy Busy Bee

By Leasil


This is a view of the fire engine as seen from the back of the police car that took me home at 5am. Just out of shot is the ambulance and the HAZMAT van.

We had a great time in the club until some idiot let off a CS gas 'bomb'. The whole place was evacuated and the crowd kettled until the contaminant could be identified. During which time Tiff couldn't breathe because she was right near where it went off and she is only just recovering from pneumonia. Then the flashing lights took her back to unhappy times in Basra. It was truly awful for her. She and I spent a couple of hours in the ambulance before the police took us to the hotel. Our lovely colleagues didn't want us to be alone so we slept in the cinema in DR's suite (yes really). Well, when I say 'sleep'.... Does 20 minutes count?

Tiff and Nish came back with me so it didn't have to drive alone. 6 hours sleep from Wednesday morning to Saturday night is NOT ENOUGH!

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