My Best Efforts - Year 3


Welcome Miss Elephoto.....

..........who has come to stay with me for a while - I collected her from Jenceng on Sunday morning. As I did with BlipBear and Kiwi on the 15th April, I thought I had better introduce her to Raf, Ted and Bun - they got on fine. Here they are together.

Rather like on the 15th April, I had a Doctors Appointment today - the not so good news is that the tests have shown that I have a "dicky" heart - the very good news is that the Insurance Company have agreed to cover - ( for a lot of extra pennies ) - me for my trip to the USA in 4 weeks time!! So unless anything else goes wrong, have decided to go.

Anni sprung a lovely surprise on me this morning - not only shall we be going to Oregon but to Hawaii too! She wasn't going to tell me but was so upset when I told her my news, she sort of blurted it out - never dreaming that there would be no problem with the Insurance. Afterwards she was sorry she had told me but, as I said, what does it matter in the long run. Himself is paying for part of my stay in Hawaii , bless him - couldn't have a better S-in-L !!!

So, the day has been part bad and part good - a bit like the weather! - Dull, drizzly and just 50 Deg F.

Hope YOUR day is good!

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