
By granpabear


I have been trying to get this done in the mornings. Forgot my camera this morning. So I was going to shoot the new red day lilies when I got home from golf. Got home, feed the dogs, made my toast peanut butter and apple sandwich for breakfast, and the phone rang. My son wanting some baby sitting. While talking to him, I spot this Great blur Heron out the back door. Finally end the conversation and hang up, and my wife calls from the computer. She needs my help. How did I become a computer expert? After many trials I get her squared away, and grab my camera. Run to the back door, and he is still waiting patiently for me. Well, I think he was really waiting for a fish, but indeed patiently.
Oh yes, the sandwich was cold, but still yummy.
Oh yes, the Redheaded Woodpeckers that I blipped a couple weeks ago are for sure nesting in their hole. Taking turns setting on eggs, I think. I haven't figured out how to get a picture yet.

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