BubblyPics ~ ?

By BubblyPics


SNOW DAY! On the Friday before Christmas as well. :) Unfortunately, the scrooge that he is, our headteacher kept the school open. Didn't mean I went though. ;) Stayed at home to PLAAAAY.

This definately is NOT the most artistic of photos that I took on that day, but it certainly has the best story to go along with it. What you see Charmagne holding is a ripped-to-shreds.....towel. This is hilarious, because we had been having a snowball fight in our back garden, when Charmagne tried to scoop some snow off the dog kennel, which customarily has a towel draped across it. But when Charmagne scraped the snow, she found out that the towel was FROZEN SOLID.

You know how towels are usually all flippy floppy and flexible so you can clean things easily? Well. This was completely solid; frozen into an almost unmoveable crumpled shape. So of course, me and Charmagne threw it on the ground to stomp on.

And that's when Barclay, my dear doggy, came out. He saw the towel, and what ran through his mind? I'm guessing it was something along the lines of "That looks like a giant dog chew!" because he immediately dove for the towel and started attacking it, rip after rip appearing as it tore like paper due to its frozen state as me and Charmagne tried to wrestle it off him. Eventually, we got it, though not from willingness on Barclay's part. xD

Hence, Charmagne carrying the towel remains back to the kennel.

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