
By kevinG

Eyewitness News

Woke up this morning, found my shoes, and ate a tuna fish salad sandwich.

I brought in all my textbooks today and handed them in. All I had for the rest if the day was my folder and my calculator.

Had another tuna fish sandwich for lunch; I was just in that mood.

We had a food themed lab in Science where we got to eat junk food. So that was right up my alley.

I stayed after school to help with the Art Show. Kat let me out a piece up on her AP board because she is amazing.

Saw an Eyewitness News truck (pictured) outside of school but hesitated to go up to it. I hesitated to long and squandered the opportunity because my mom showed up.

There will be no hesitation next time.

Mom took me to the orthodontist. I won't go into details because no one cares, but they're going to be more aggressive now and hopefully I'll have my braces off before the end of the summer.

Went to Smashburger with my mom after the orthodontist, then went home.

Read more of Aunt Diane's book and now I'm going to bed.


Okay now I'm think of adding in a segment to my Blips where I give my random thoughts every once in awhile. They could be thoughts from the day, or whatever I want.

I guess I'll start now...

Today's Random Thoughts:

So some people are born with this thing called Situs Inversus, a congenital condition where their heart and lungs are mirrored in their body. So while YOUR heart (presumably) is on the left side, those people's hearts are on the right.

So my question is this: How do they pledge the Anerican Flag?

When pledging allegiance to the American Flag, one is instructed from a young age to take their right hand and put it over their heart on the left side.

The way I see it, someone with Situs Inversus has three options:

1. Do it normally. Right hand over left side.

2. Still use their right hand but put it on the right side. This would probably violate the least amount of rules.

3. Use their left hand and put it on the right side. I don't know why, it's just an option.

Or they could just not pledge because they're their own unique person and don't conform to societal pressures.

Whatever floats their boat I guess.

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