Natural arrangement

Diolch yn fawr i bawb am eu llongyfarchiadau. Mae'n dda i gyrraedd ar 1000 ffotograffau. Mae'n wych i fod rhan o gymuned sy'n dathlu'r byd gweledol. Ro'n i'n crwydro trwy gerddi'r brifysgol a ffeindiais i drefniant naturiol hwn o flodau. Dw i erioed wedi gweld blodyn fel 'ma o blaen. Dw i ddim yn gwybod enw'r blodau - ond dw i'n siŵr bydd rhywun yn gwybod.

Thanks to everyone for their congratulations. It's good to reach 1000 photographs. It's great to be part of a community that celebrates the visual world. I was wandering through the gardens of the university and I found this natural arrangement of flowers. I have never seen flowers like these from before. I do not know the name of the flowers - but I'm sure someone will know.

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