Portugal - day 4

No run today. I ran about 8km yesterday and if that wasn't enough, Diana decided we should take an 8km walk along the coast to the next village/town. Turned out to be a walk to the arse end of the back of beyond. Nothing to see but sea to our left and road to our right. It was hot and I was both thirsty and hungry and the few restaurants we passed were high end. So high end, they had parking attendants which made me laugh as they were just about empty.

So, with the return journey, I clocked up about another 15km to add to my run, hence my day off today.

Went to a Chinese restaurant last night. Not what we wanted but all of the Portuguese restaurants in the area (walking distance of our apartment) were closed or deserted. Nice meal and something I have never experienced before was when the owners family and all of the staff, about 16 people in all sat down to dinner in the restaurant.

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