Snow Joke!*

Another day another snowfall...

I can't compete with the pictures I've received from Dad, Stu and Dan today, showing the snowy scenes in Wales, Wycombe and Sandhurst, but this one that I've just seen online, takes the biscuit!

I say I can't compete, it's absolutely chucking it down here. I brushed over 8" (I measured it with my out-stretched hand) off my car when I left work (it was dark so the photos were rubbish) and 2nd-geared it all the way home. Today is the worst I've seen it in Warszawa; it's that really really fine snow, which is very powder-like, but apparently so fine because it's so cold. I don't know enough about the technical side of it other than to say it's white and it sticks!

My friend Emma lives in Llanddewi Brefi and Lampeter is my home-town. A small claim to fame from the headlines of!

* emails from Stu and Dan titled the same, so I'm stealing their pun!

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