Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Courgettes - if we're lucky

I really don't understand the world of plants but apparently these are (or will be) courgettes.

Sodding sodden by some of the rain we've been having. I do feel sorry for them but having said that they do look lovely.

I'm struggling to find time to catch up with life in cyberspace at the moment but catch up I will.

I've had some fabulous feedback from the photos I took at the wedding at the weekend; work is crazy as students submit their final versions of their PhD theses in time to graduate this year; other students contact us with queries about their offer to begin their studies in the autumn and then there's all the stuff related to how students progress through their journey toward achieving their PhDs.

There is such a lot to learn about how the system works but I'm getting there. And still loving every minute.

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