
By BushyTail

Duck Tale 01

We fished out seven from a campus drain, into which they had fallen through the gaps in the grill, but the mother didn't take this one back, possibly on account of injury. At the moment, he is drying and warming by the space heater, and if he makes it through the night, he goes to a rehabber tomorrow. (But it is good to keep in mind that birds are extremely fragile, especially at this age, and with injury.)

On the whole, a success. Stars had to align for this. First, having someone else around to help lift the heavy metal grill. Second, knowing that the janitor's closet in our department has a dustpan with a long handle. Third, knowing that the closet door can be unlocked by a credit card. And fourth, that the predicted stormy weather stayed away long enough that the ducklings were merely floating about in the water in the drain, a five or six feet below ground, rather than being washed away, otherwise it would have been impossible to scoop them out with the dustpan!

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