My Buddies

I met this great group of people in December of 1978...everyone here was already working at the Post Office except for Artie...the man furthest right...and he started the same day I did!!

We had some fantastic years together, and the friendships got deeper and ever-lasting. We made memories to laugh and cry over, and one by one, each of us has left this place and begun a new life.

Today, Gerry (seated on the left) celebrated his 41 year career with his old friends and lots of new ones, too.

Now only Bob, standing on the left, remains of those who worked together in 1978...but he was just a kid of 19 when I met him!!

So here we are, together again for a few minutes, relishing the friendships we've shared and happy for a new beginning for Gerry.

Bob, Tim, Carl, me, John, Artie and Vera with Gerry and Jimmy seated.

What a great group to go through life with!!!

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