
By 5nations

Orange and yellow fluffy nice things

One of my greatest fears besides the dark is cold dark water with sharks in it!
I completely blame my brothers for my fear of the dark. I won't go into detail but it involved a speaker, a lunch box, a dimmer switch and no door handle with a voice saying "I am the voice of the ghost". I must have been about 7??
Now if I ever have to stay anywhere on my own (or even with one of the kids in the room) I have to have a light on!! Stupid at 31 to need a light on, but there we are!

I very much doubt i'll ever have to combat my other fear as I rarely go into deep water where there's sharks. Now this I blame my mother for (although she will strongly deny it!). When I was little 'Jaws' was on the T.V and just as the boat attack was in action she made me go and have a bath. I thought the bottom of the bath was going to open up and i'd drop into a tank of sharks and be eaten. I think I may have merged Jaws with 007 somewhere along the years....

So, the other day Ken and I took the kids for a hike through what was supposed to be a field but with the flood waters it was a mini lake! There was Ken carrying all 3 kids through this stinky welly high flood water and there was me on my own treading all girly and pathetically, screaming inside!!
I was doing o.k - there was moo cows looking over their patch of floody field at me, there was nice trees half submerged, a lovely warm breeze....... and a bloated out floating dead mole. That was it, when I saw that I couldn't get out of that water quick enough.... because obviously there were really hungry sharks swimming towards me in the dirty dark water.

Stupid or what?! It has nothing to do with todays blip, but it's been bothering me since.

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