
By scribbler


One of a number of websites that no longer make available yesterday's NBC interview of Edward Snowden in Russia by Brian Williams.

From my journal:

Edward Snowden has been censored.
An NBC interview in which Brian Williams flew to Moscow to talk to the NSA whistleblower (God bless and keep him!) has been removed from the U.S. internet.

I watched one version that went silent two minutes in—the video kept going but the audio was mute. I tried to find other versions, and couldn’t. There were lots of angry comments on YouTube, so I know this isn’t a technical fluke specific to me.

Is the Obama administration so afraid of this brave young man, now exiled in Russia since the U.S. canceled his passport, that they have to shut him up? This is what we ridicule China for doing! In the interview (quoted in a news article), Snowden asked, “How can it be said that I did not serve my government when all three branches have made reforms as a result of it?” Amen to that.

I was very disappointed to see that the New York Times reportage (news, not opinion—supposedly) is worded in a cynical, sarcastic tone that makes it very clear what the reader is supposed to think. This is outrageous! It’s going to be my blip today.

UK. blippers, don't bother suggesting I look at the Guardian website — for reasons unknown I recently stopped being able to see ANY of their videos. I seriously miss Jess Cartner-Morley telling me how to wear silver clothes and pointy flats. ;-)


Seriously digruntled!

DDW: Where I Live
I live online.

UPDATE: Worth watching a half hour TED talk by Edward Snowden in March 2014.

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