May Challenge .......

Day 26: Mean.

R had the day off today as it's Memorial Day here in the States.  

And since it was such a lovely day (sunny with temps in the 80's), we decided to check out a new park.  Last fall R had read about a wildlife sanctuary that we had never been to before ~ Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary.  The time was never right to go there until today.

It was a short half hour drive which we enjoyed in my convertible. After arriving we found the sanctuary building closed due to the holiday, but that didn't stop us from walking the trails.  We soon found the bird blind that was on the property. As it was mid afternoon and quite warm, there weren't many birds feeding at the feeders.  There were, however, a few chipmunks.

Sadly, I have not seen too many chipmunks in our yard and find it quite mean that I had to travel 20 miles to photograph one!

Speaking of mean, while we were sitting in the bird blind we heard a strange "call" that we had never heard before.  Turns out it was a red squirrel!  He/she was being very mean to a gray squirrel and soon chased it away.  I only got a quick (in other words, bad!) shot of the red squirrel.  My first one ever! We don't have the reds around here..... at least not that I've seen.

Happy Birthday wishes to my big sister, B!

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