
By Carscribe

I'm watching you ...

It was like perpetual rush hour in the garden today. Hungry fledglings were gaping to be fed, foxes were foraging for a snack, badgers were on the prowl for a peanut treat, and this furry fellow was on the lookout for an easy meal.

I put some pumpkin seeds on the bird table for whoever might want them, and Mr Squirrel quickly located them and scoffed the lot. He was constantly scampering up and down between the table and this favourite perch on one of the patio lights, where he sat watchfully nibbling.

It has mostly been a head down, key pounding day, which was fine considering the miserable overcast greyness outside. The forecast for tomorrow is much better, which is just as well. A car photoshoot is on the morning agenda, postponed from earlier in the week when it was far too wet to make cars look good enough for the pages of a magazine. Fingers crossed for some sunshine!

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