Grey Lady Has Lost (Not Her Head) But A Leg :(

I haven't seen my resident grey wagtails for a while. I think they might have already raised one brood in the disused boiler house.

They appeared in tandem again today, beaks full of insects. The Grey Lady, who I dubbed the Audrey Hepburn of the bird world before the BBC Springwatch team gave an avocet the same moniker, is missing a leg. :( She still bobs characteristically for a while when she settles but then slumps. :(

Christian her mate stays close. I'm confident that between them they can raise their chicks.

I was thinking of Lady Jane Grey when I named the female bird. What an awful fate the poor woman had. She asked the executioner to behead her upright but he refused. She blindfolded herself but then couldn't find the block and had to be guided to it. At least my Grey Lady has only lost a leg.

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