Constant Exposure

By constant


Kim put together these party favours for Holly's Birthday party tomorrow. It's all part of a rock climbing theme (the party is in an indoor rock climbing place). Kim puts so much thought in to all these things. I'm going to try to do my part and get some good action shots of the kids scaling the walls.

Nana also arrived today! The girls are in heaven. Emma's teacher said Emma talked all day about Nana coming. I can just imagine her beaming at all the other kids. It's a very big event for the girls. They don't get to see Nana often and she's their all time favourite. Addie is also in heaven. Nana and Turkey Bird are her absolute fav people.

Hopefully Kim and I can go catch a movie tonight. When Nana is in town we get to play a little.

I also have to confess that I have not been keeping up on other's blips. I hate the way things pile up, especially when I'm in a funk with blipping.

In other news, Holly and her Best Friend, Alexa, have signed up to do a song together in the school talent contest. I think Holly is very nervous about it but she's in good hands as her Best Friend has a calling for the stage. I'm amazed that Holly and Alexa are still so tight after all this time. They were only in the same class for one trimester in first grade. They are in second grade now, still in different classes, but still as thick as thieves. Pretty cool. Someday they may drift apart. That would be tragic. I hope they end up being Friends For Life. Alexa feels like family.

[Going to see "An Education".]

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