
By BikerJim


~Natures Diadem~

Arguably one of God's most beautiful and wonderous creations.
Capable of inspiring awe, I do not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
Their grandeur imparts to me what a joy it is to be alive.
Yet their fleeting virtues leaves me heartbroken and alone.

I wait on the hill, but wait for what?
A glorious display of nature's gifts, colors and shapes?
A true symphony of changing tones and moving structures!
Or am I waiting for nothing!
Nothing but a dark bellowing mass of atmospheric vapors?
Devoid of sun and light, hues and form.
A true foreboding and fear of nothingness!

Still I wait on the mountainside,
I wait for my destiny, my lot.
Be I doomed or set free!

Thanks looking at what a madman sees.
And reading what a madman thinks.

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