Putting The Boot In

Have had nonsense and stupidity from the passport office all week who made a mistake and registered Erin at an address we don't live at and never have . If it's sent there we can't retrieve it .

4 days of phone calls and emails and still no help .

They really put the boot in today when they said they couldn't help any longer and I would have to sort it out with their courier company . Which would be progress had they then not then immediately told me that I couldn't do that and that the passport wasn't even printed and was in Durham then Peterborough, yes definitely Peterborough oh and yes it had been printed and sent but wait no it hasn't

Me " Can I just speak to the processing office I have been waiting four days for a call back "

" We will put you on the waiting list for a call back between 2 and 5 days "

" What if the passport is sent to the wrong address before then? "

" You can discuss it with processing when they call "

"Can't you help me ? "

" Sorry we are just the helpline"

One letter to my MP later and it seems the helpline can help and the secretary is making great progress . I am still waiting for a call back from the processing office though . It could be within the next week .

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