
By Delamanda

Paludamentum Denisae

The Roman generals may have tolerated all sorts of hardships in their conquering of Europe, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t get the sort of rain we’ve had today, they would have had the sense to about turn and head back to drier, warmer climes. If there were any Romans in SW3 this afternoon, they were in hiding. But let’s be honest, given the choice between sloshing your way through knee-high puddles or whooping it up at a good old orgy, its not difficult to see why they weren’t abroad today. However, I needed a Roman wearing a “paludamentum” (‘A military cloak fastened at one shoulder with a brooch or clasp, worn by Roman generals and chief officers’, OED) to fulfil today’s word. Thankfully, Denise came to the rescue, donning a cloak from S&G’s lost property cupboard.
Day #149 of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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