Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Tunnel of Love

When we first adopted Toffee, she was semi-feral and had been living wild on an allotment in South Wales. The lady who contacted the rescue charity told them that she had seen Toffee have two litters of kittens on the allotment, even though the vet thought that she was only between one and two years old.

The charity set traps and first of all caught Toffee, then two days later caught her two surviving kittens. She was then reunited with Chocolate and Liquorice (names given by the rescue charity!) before being taken away from them a final time and sent over the water to us.

So, as you can imagine, when we first rehomed her she was a very scared little kitty, and spent the first four months living under the bed. But with time she has come round and is now a very cuddly puss and enjoys the finer things in life! She is totally in love with anything made of fleece, and is addicted to catnip!!

This morning I moved her fleecy tunnel and catnip scratcher up onto a chair so I could vacuum the floor. When I came back into the room, I found her asleep, balanced precariously on the scratching board, with her head inside her beloved tunnel. I think this look is telling me to push off and let her get back to catnapping!!

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