Meadow Buttercup

Tallest buttercup we have a few in the field, I like em
the most, OOOOh I feel a song coming on do you??
Why do you build me up Buttercup baby
Just to let me down
So build me up (build me up)
Buttercup don't break my heart
lalelalelalelalela Im singing are you??
Up at the crack, steam cleaned the whole of downstairs
hung out washing, the chuckies arrived, then I had a
shower and went and met me pal for lunch, I didn't
realise I had made this date and the chuckies were
comein hahahahahahahahahahaha
Anyhoo this pal is a bit of an eeeeeejit like me she
had news for me, she has turned vegetarian, so I
orders hot chillie peppers in a wrap and she goes for the
bbq chicken in a wrap, I says I thought you were a vegy
now, she's says it's chicken it aint real meat OMG I
fell about laughing and so did she, then she says why
are you laughing, I says chicken is meat, well she was
not convinced and ate it aaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha
I nearly peeeeed me pants...
Glorious weather wall to wall sunshine 23c
Hope your all having a great day :-)x

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