Sacred Momento.

After i had finished the gym i went to the church for a cuppa and a chat. When i walked in there appeared to be nobody there. I walked up the aisle and i saw an elderly lady arranging the flowers. She said to wait as someone had gone out to get some milk. The milk duly arrived and we sat down to have our tea and a piece of lemon drizzle cake, which was delicious. I was wondering what i was going to blip today when one of the gentlemen said, why don't you take a photo of the momento that is hanging at the side of the door. I thought it was a great idea ,so this is my blip for today. It says underneath:
This sacred momento was given to St Mary's Church Nolton by German prisoners of war from Island Farm Camp, at the end of the Second world War, to commemorate their attendance at the church during the time that they were in Bridgend.

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