Lawyers' Offices, Breda

Of course it's an old water tower and of course it would either have been torn down or left to sod if some law firm (or mayhap architect's office) hadn't saved it. And of course I can imagine it cost the earth. No matter, lovely to shoot. Now did I go to Breda just to shoot this? Of course ... not! Had to pick up some bookbound stuff at my favourite bookbinders', and then I went to the centre and did what every woman over 52 still loves to do ... SHOP! Hubby does not like accompanying me at such times, and I can't say he's to blame. And so, at a leisurely stroller's pace I walked through half the centre, deliberately exiting it at an entirely different 'gate' so as to just as leisurely and very deliberately stroll by this tower on the (long) way back to my car, which was, of course, parked in a free parking area.

Of course I shot other things as well. Of course.

Lovely weather here and so having had my 'day off', it's back to the family tree and the dishes.

Btw, yesterday, I fortunately did not miss this BLIP. It has given me a lot to think about. I can understand the urgency of the message. How to go on living despite all these goings-on can be quite a challenge. I still hope for the best and try to find something, anything, to be happy about and grateful for every single day. And yet ...

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