
By dp

Virtual Party!!!

Happy Birthday Mum!!! (aka. Grandmama).

Alas the weather has beaten us and instead of joining her today for her birthday we're stuck in snowy Bucks. It's the sensible option I know, but I still wish we were driving up there. Oh well, we'll raise a glass tonight and reconvene on a warmer day in the future!

So you're all invited to her virtual party. Leave a comment with what you intend to bring - virtual fizzy drinks, virtual cheese on sticks - no Diamond White cider please. It's an all dayer so pop in anytime.


(On more mundane daily blip matters, our road is pretty snowy still, so we walked to Chavda and got provisions to last us the weekend. As for the picture, it's the first one from my new table top studio that Mrs DP got me for Christmas. Perfect lighting, picture straight from the camera, looks great. Love it.)

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