Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

White lion Bailout 2014

I have been involved in this event for the last 4 years and my parting words to the team was, "See you next year!" It is so much fun.
Whitelion is a great charity providing practical help, mentors and jobs to young folk at risk. Their programs cost $10k to keep a kid out of prison or to stop them returning, but a young person in jail costs $200,000. Go figure why they have to rely on fundraising events such as Bailout and are not properly funded by government.

So at Bailout, about 150 folk at theMelbourne event, each raise $1000 for their bail and have an experience of going to jail for the evening.
I took my son and his friend with me. They formed the Belmint Bad Boys team, representing their scout troop. I was part of the "experience", being the chaplain along with several actors dressed as prison guards. There was a past attorney general, a defence lawyer and a children's Court judge taking part in the court scene mock up too.
I was worried that my boys would be overwhelmed by the serious and confronting aspect of the evening, but as you can see, they had a ball at the sillier moments in the exercise yard.
If you would like to contribute, please consider helping bail out the Belmont Bad Boys at the Whitelion Bailout Melbourne site.

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