
By lifeincolour

anniversary celebrations

Yesterday was my parents 50th anniversary, today they took the family out for a meal. A good time was had by all, we then went back to my parents to cut both cakes.

Story of 2 cakes i asked my friend Angie who makes fab caked months ago to make a cake for me as a surprise for my parents. That is the garden cake.

My mam decided in the meantime to make her own cake, I tried to persuade her not to but she had her mind set, and as all mams do once their mind is made up its hard to change it!!!

Mam and dad got their cake from me and took a few minutes to work out it was their garden! All is edible except the canes! Angie was worried as she knew my mam used to make caked but my parents were bowled over with it.

Happy Anniversary mam and dad love you both lots xxx

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