Early Morning Sun

The longer days make my drive home from work in the early mornings very pleasant. If the sun is shining, it's even better.

Rocky, the lamb, needs feeding the instant I return. I've been informed that he waits for me in the corner of the field, unfortunately close to my neighbours bedrooms, and pipes up the music at 4.30am. Methinks it's time to wean him from his bottle. Banned from the garden now, Rocky is growing fast and is smart. He can bleat for England if he wants something! I had to draw the line on his gardening antics as he has pruned just about everything, edible or not, with a partiality for Roses. I won't see many blooms this year.

This morning I was in half a mind to crawl into bed but caught these Pheasant as I gazed out of the window, sunning themselves in the early light. They've been hanging around for a few days now, waiting to pick up any feed the sheep miss in the grass. They feel very safe when the dogs are indoors but hide in the long grass in the knowledge the fence will not hold back the mutts if they're seen. The pesky black bird is another wild pet who loves to visit with it's pal. I've been scratching my head about the pair for a couple of weeks. Are they Crows or are they Ravens? More about that in another blip!

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