
By skoshland

Maisie, Pam and family stuff

What a week! My niece Eleanor is visiting Scotland from Australia for 6 weeks with her husband Troy and their 2 lovely kids. My sister Pam (Eleanor's mum) came down from Kinlochewe Friday night for the weekend and was going to sleep at my place. Pam got to mine about 6.30pm Friday and as soon as I saw her I knew something wasn't right, she was out of breath, very pale and complained of a tight pain round her middle. Shortly after she got here she just wanted to lie down, not like Pam to be like that, then she was sick. Alarm bells were ringing for me, this was sounding too much like the symptoms my sister Anne had before her fatal heart attack. We phoned NHS 24 but luckily Troy is a paramedic, he came over wih Pam's sons Robbie and Phil. Troy asked all the right questions, took Pam's pulse and assured us he didn't think it was cardiac related. Off we all went to A&E and hours later after tests and xrays etc they deducted that it was gallnladder related. Pam was in a lot of pain so they got her comfy with a shot of morphine, that was very amusing! We left her in the capable hands of the doctors and nurses at about 1 am.

So Saturday I met my sister in law Gina for lunch and then my niece Viv and I went to ECA degree show to see my daughter Clair's illustration degree piece. Mel and Martin showed up with his extremely cute little girl Maisie, she was having a shy attack when I took this picture (should have used flash). Then more family turned up before Viv and I left to visit hospital.

Pam was in no more pain but was tired, they were keeping her in for the night again, no gallstones. but gallbladder inflamed so she will get further checks in Inverness.

It's been quite a week, on Monday we had the very sad news that my oldest brother Pete's wife Ann died, she had pancreatic cancer for a few years. Another very lovely woman that will be missed from my family (there have been a few). Now filled with guilt and regret that I didn't make nore effort to see her in recent years but it's too easy to get caught up in my own wee world, didn't mean I loved her any less and my brother will know that.

When I got home I treated myself to the reclining chair, some green and blacks 70% chocolate and a couple of glasses of campo viejo...and relax...looking forward to big family get together on Sunday

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