No 164: Tree Pipit

The forecast looked good, so I was up at dawn to make another attempt to get my Tree Pipit Blip. I knew where they lived, I had their song nailed, thanks to Andy, so what could go wrong? Well, when I got to the site, a small group of not very friendly-looking cattle were blocking the way into the area. I did a detour, which proved pretty good from the point of view of wildlife spotting - Brown Hare, Cuckoo (again) Curlew, Snipe drumming, Linnet, Pied Wagtail, Wren, Willow Warbler, Blackcap …. and lots of Pipits. The trouble was, I still wasn't sure if they were Meadow or Tree Pipits, as they weren't singing, but mostly collecting food. When I had completed my circuit, I thought maybe it was worth having another look, and sure enough, the cattle had dispersed so I could access the area. Happily, I saw, and more importantly, heard several Tree Pipits, so I was able to be confident of my ID.
Home for breakfast. A bit of a nap, then some more painting.

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