Mixie Kitty

We met up with a friend of mine for lunch in St Heliers today. She had laser eye surgery on Friday, and overnight managed to fold the corneal flap, so had to go back in on Saturday for a revision on that eye. The eye that wasn't a problem, is now 20:20, and despite the issues, the "bad eye" is not far behind it. Possibly not the best person for the Husband to talk to, as he's booked in next month, but she reckoned that if given the choice again, she'd still have it done.

After lunch we popped over to the Husband's sister's place to give our niece her 5th birthday present. Grandma and Daddad's cat is having an extended sleepover there while they are away. Mixie soon made her presence known and spent a bit of time with the Eldest outside.

Quiet night in tonight watching The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. Delight!

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