I love you too...

By Tina12

Daily Exercise

Jim and Antonio both know how important exercise is for all of us so we often take long walks either using the big circuit into town or walking along the irrigation canals used to water rice and corn. I knew what they were up to when they took me to the canals last night.They both had these new thingies they hang around their necks and they seem to talk all the time about Blips that they seem to get from these thingies. Well I was right!They wanted blips of me running in the water and I like doing that so I ran and ran and ran back and forward making sure they could see me but then at the end I decided to run so fast that they could only get my tail end in the photo.I was starving after the run so I had what was left of the chicken and rice in my dish.the great thing is that Jim and Antonio seem to give me extra food when I give them the show they need for these Blipmachine thingies

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