
Made surprisingly good use of the possibly only nice day amidst a potential fortnight of rain to go to Tissington for the Well Dressing and then walk to Parwich for a ginger beer and to eat our picnic on the green (down a hill, then up a hill and then down a hill again, reversed on return, fully justifying our decision to let the kids off the excursion and save ourselves the moaning...) Beck said I should use a postcard-y photo of one of the, admittedly really good, Dressings commemorating WWI but I'm pigheadedly going with this dicey one of some complete strangers and their dogs instead because I find it curiously appealing (and it's my journal...) Frankly, it has everything: Beck looking at a Well Dressing (in the back somewhere), Hector watching some whippets, blue sky... what more could you want...!? (It was meant to be in black and white, mind - I forgot to change the settings...)

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