The new shot. Perfectly posed.

In 2012/3 I used the excellent Canon 15-85 lens, but was kinda getting limited on that long shot. Plus, after half million shots it was doing it's best to die on me.

I played around with a cheap 70-300mm zoom I had which gave the results I wanted, but optically and operation wise was a bit of a nightmare. So after last year I decided to upgrade.

Being a cheap bastard I didn't go for the Canon 28-300L because I found the previous model, Canon 35-350L was available s/h for half the price. So did that instead.

Bit of a scare first day out with it on Stelvio - it does not like F4 at all. Lots of chromatic aberation (or whatever it's called), lots of flare (eg off chrome handlebars), and incredibly soft of focus as well. But at F7.1 it settles down perfectly. It it is razor sharp. Had to push the ISO a bit to compensate but still well below 1600.

But having 350mm available means I can look down the 'long' straight in front of me. I'd like a bit more out of focus in the background, but that ain't happening. However, F7.1 is getting a good result. This was probably taken at about 250mm (or less) - the Blip will tell me in a moment.

With any luck I'll increase my sales a little with some of these types of shots. Costs no more to take a couple of extra shots.

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