Shimmering Blue

With delicate petals that sparkled in the light when looked at closely, this blue iris just, 'did it for me today' - to quote Chris Packham on Springwatch. I love this colour iris. I hold it even more dear because it was along with others, given to me by my parents when they had overspill.

After very exciting and definitely not blue morning looking at story boards for my internet site I shot out onto the lawn as it looked like the heavens might open; such were the clouds ominously black overhead!

In fact the rain never came but this iris is my blip for today, taken in the company of two incredibly smart little Westies, fresh out of the poodle parlour for VERY pampered pooches.

Poppy always knows when she looks terrific. She seems to say, 'Look at me!' in a very perky way with a big grin on her face and wants more than usual attention. Lying on the grass for this shot she kept trying to distract me by licking my ear. Tilly on the other hand had found the whole morning of indulgence totally exhausting, didn't like being too smart and promptly bounded through the fence to roll in something very unsavoury but which she found far more to her liking. It was the jumping on my back afterwards and appalling smell that I found a tad disconcerting!

Hope this blue 'does it for you' too :)

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