Murky city

Busy Monday. Audrey in nursery today, tears when I left her and what made it worse was that she saw me leaving and then I had to come back as I didn't know the code for the door. She was beside herself!

Managed to get lots done but am still chasing my tail tonight. I was naughty and had an hour off for lunch and had my sandwich in front of some trashy television (Lindsay Lohan documentary on TLC - truly awful but yet compulsive viewing!) But I should have worked really - especially as I didn't get everything done :(

Had a client meeting at The Hilton. Put a dress on with bare legs as it was balmy and humid when I left the house for the tram. I then had to get home in torrential rain and looked a right idiot in my dress. Especially with my heavy laptop bag, steering the pram one-handed so I could keep my umbrella up! What a sight. A van driver splashed me with a puddle which just about finished me off.

In other news, the house we were looking at on Rightmove has sold. It was clearly not meant to be.

Took this picture on Deansgate bridge - the City peaking out through the murky, broken hole in the cover.

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