
By Ridgeback13


Not a great day weather wise-low cloud, mist and drizzle. So we spent a while perusing guide maps and books over cups of tea then set if toward Oban for a mooch around. We looked at several places for lunch but couldn't resist the draw of the open air seafood bar by the ferry terminal....fantastic seafood platter for two (actually easily enough for 3 or 4!) with hot smoked salmon, prawns, langoustines, mussels, and then two huge crab claws. As we ate, the next consignment of crustaceans arrived...and the fisherman was keen to show off his catch!
Afterwards a look round a nursery and walled garden then home and lit the fire and did some knitting.
Shame so much seems to be kicking off at work, especially when I'm so hard to reach with no wifi in cottage and no phone signal for miles....or maybe that's just as well!

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