Scattered Polaroids

By sp

The problem with having 2 days off in a row is that when they're over, I feel like I never need to go to work ever again. That feeling happened this morning.

Nice quick day at work, managed to leave a bit early, got changed in 30 seconds, ran all the way to the station... And then aaaaall of the trains were delayed.

I ended up not being too late for Francis' birthday celebrations (at Atomic Pizza), got there just before the food arrived. My veggie burger with nachos (inside the bun) was amazing. Bit messy though. Kinda got guacamole on everything.

The evening took a bit of an unexpected turn when we had to finish Francis' birthday meal without Francis... as he went to A&E. He's back now and pretty okay. The five of us watched Friends until midnight to make sure the end of his birthday was good.

Here's Graham with the Simpsons.

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