
By DevonDumpling

'Memory Lane'

Today was indeed a trip down memory lane....we drove to Salisbury. We lived here from September 1971 to 1974 during a 3 year Army posting. The strangest thing is I have very little memory of the place....they do say we blot out things we dont want to remember...and this posting was the most challenging of all as Pete was always away for weeks at a time, doing courses and on exercise. My two children were very young, the married quarters we lived in were dismal and I hated it...... anyway, I survived! I realised on the journey to Wiltshire that I have always loved the County...and I remember I used to take the babies out for long walks into the countryside'

We had a great day at Salisbury Cathedral. Its breathtaking! Had a lovely lunch in the Cathedral refectory.....then a very long circular walk around the City looking for the 'Meadows'......from the famous paintings of the Cathedral. We didn't find the exact composition...I think maybe the trees have grown a lot since those days! Quite a long walk that took us back into the City.....and the Cathedral......for afternoon tea......Earl Grey, Scones, Jam and Clotted Cream!
Next a walk around Cathedral Close which is very picturesque!.Visited the National Trust 'Mompesson House'. 18th century. Very beautifully furnished and the walled garden at the back of the house was wonderful. We had a long chat with the gardener...who was also a photographer..but not a Blipper.
This Queen Anne house was used for the film 'Sense and Sensibility'.

I think by the end of the day small memories were returning...the good ones!

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