Mrs Brown's girls

By Jenbrown83

London baby!

It's the last day of our holidays and we're in London (staying with Uncle Chris and Uncle Steve). Your first adventure was going on the Tube - you weren't overly keen, especially when I told you that you'd probably have black snot later on. We thought you might like to see where the Queen lives (you were most impressed with the guards and tried to stand still like them...for a whole minute) and then we made our way up to Big Ben and Mammy's London office (so you know where I go on my long days to London). No trip to London is complete without a visit to Hamley's of course - you were overawed by the endless toys and very impressed with the bubble gun we bought. We just had time for half an hour with Uncles Chris and Steve (/the tickle monster) before we made the long drive home (which thankfully you both slept through). Thank you for a lovely (sometimes very stressful) holiday - it was full of laughter, tears, aching muscles and memories that will last us a lifetime x

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