
By dups

Dorset walkway.

Dorset is full of walkways and bridle paths across farm land. Hawthorn (Mayflower) bushes were flowering every where and made the hedgerows look colourful.
The one we walked today was at East Chaldon it went from the village up a very long valley and up onto the cliff tops looking down on "Scratchy Bottom" ! To the sea. Robs reading the plague above Scratchy Bottom, it's an area where the farmers aren't aloud to spray so that wild flowers can grow.
A mist was coming off the sea and it was trying to drizzle.
The barn is made of Flint stones with corner bricks and would have been thatched years ago, the whole area is Chalk land with flints that when broken can have very sharp edges, not good for horses feet and tractor tyres! They were used for tools by the Stone Age.
Walking back down a valley to the car we were followed by inquisitive steers about 50 of them spooky! They followed just behind us in a long line!
Back to the car and straight to the pub!

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