Johnny the bogs ...

... or in this case, Johnny the Sea. I've strayed intoTJs territory here! I had to go across the mountain to Schull to have the hair sorted (successful - we can all relax) but had time to spare so went down to the harbour. 4 large and elegant herons were waiting expectantly for a small fishing boat to come in. If I had to be a bird I would chose to be a heron - eccentric, handsome, compelling, patient, gentle (unless you happen to be a fish) fine colours and skinny legs as though they were wearing wrinkled stockings.
We have a very big chap that regularly comes and lingers by our pond - frogs I suspect are his quarry. He always gives a loud squawk or two around 11.30pm for some odd reason.

My friend Robert has this to say about Old Nog as he is known in his part of the world.

Also known as cranes over here, this gives me a good chance to neatly segue to a link to the Decemberists' The Crane Wife to listen to while you browse. Based on a Japanese folktale about a man who takes in an injured crane ........

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