
By Gillwithagee

Spinning that wheel for me

Tomorrow is MOT day, so today is pre-check day.
I had a hood inkling at least one of my tyers needed changing, so off to the nice man on Bond street I trotted to have them checked out.
Now doing this is a well timed affair: basicly, 'don't go around lunchtime' or you wont get in. So 10.50 (I know it was this time because Popmaster was finishing) I roll onto the forecourt and discover to my delight that only one of my tyres needs replacing. Then the problems started. Whats that you say? Wheelnuts? Well of course, there in the glovebox where they always are. Only they wernt... So home I trotted to find them.
I was only away 10 mins, but on returning there were already cars queueing onto the road. OK, I'll pop to Aldi and stop on my way back. Skip forward 30 mins: there's now an even bigger queue. OK, I will get my windscreen wipers changed and THEN go back. MORE CARS STILL! By now it was mid-day, so I threw in the towel till after lunch. Wheel finally got changed at 1.45, phew! now roll on MOT.

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