Growing old disgracefully



It may not be the most dramatically beautiful county, but we do have some bonny farms, fields and hedgerows around the quiet lanes where it is a pleasure to walk and cycle . OK, I admit I was driving and this was out of the car window, but it spoke more to me than any of my other images today.

I called on a long-standing friend (she was born in 1930 but won't let me call her an old friend). She was in a 'let's count our blessings' mood. She spoke of the amazing public services we have in this country and I have to agree, although I think she was on this tack mainly because she had set fire to a fish cake in her microwave this morning and had a visit from four handsome firemen. I don't eat fishcakes, but if that's what it takes...

It's been a stunning day. Some hoeing, lots of washing dried in the sweet smelling air, lots of blooms coming out in the garden, dinner on the deck with the Prof and no mice in the traps this morning - a day to count my blessings indeed.

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