
Despite the initial setback today of looking in the cupboard and finding that the bag of what I thought to be ground coffee was actually beaned coffee (there's a grinder somewhere in another cupboard but it would have taken far too long to fish out/find) which meant no flask of coffee on my desk (and a slight lapse (with the purchase of a shop-coffee on the way in) in my plan to not buy any additional foodstuffs during the work-day, instead surviving merely on what I can carry with me in the morning) the day went reasonably well, painlessly and quite swiftly but not so swiftly that I either missed lunch due to not noticing the time or left too late due to being waylaid. Ecodad popped up on his way in to collect a stump I'd secreted at the bottom of a coat-cabinet and dropped off a bag of Mini-Eggs, one of the things I was hoping to avoid ending up buying at lunchtime. He popped back past well before I usually take lunch in order to pop out to the still-pleasantly-cold-for-midday outside to retrieve the giant stump whose presence had been alerted to him by anth, which turned out to be reasonably light and liftable but probably not so when combined with the two surprise additional stumps nearby.

After returning to the office for a bit more work I popped back out again for a proper lunchwalk a bit later, managed not to buy any extra food, returned for a solidish afternoon's work then left in time to complete a task Nicky texted me a reminder of just as I was leaving the building and still had time to go and complete the task I had been going to complete before the reminder arrived. The result of the latter task is pictured above and will be tested/reviewed at some point soonish.

When I arrived home I remembered that there was a bag of ground coffee in the box containing my winter festive period gift-giving day books. The cupboard in which the grinder is probably living is due for a can-we-fling-it-out sweep this weekend anyway, so shall be retrieved if it appears.

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