Fun run

4years 223days

Leah found a fun day in aid of Welsh Hearts happening this morning. It included their first ever 2km fun run. I asked Katie last night if she wanted to go for a run with mummy. She was SO excited. We arrived in plenty of time after stopping to buy mummy some shoes to run in- we didn't take kit with us. She was FAST. She came in 10th. Not bad for 4.5years of age!! She was so fast Aunty Leah missed getting shots of us as we ran past!

After the race we had a look round all the stalls and rides. As we were running, Katie and I had been chatting about getting an ice cream. It was the first thing she asked to do when we finished. She sat for ages watching a magician - she's previously been very wary of them. She had a ride on a merry-go-round. Sat on the back of a kangaroo & baby. Noah got a ball on a string and a train track bridge, both of which he towed around with him as we walked through the daisy-covered park.

At home, Katie had a chill out for a little bit as I started to sort out things for travelling back tomorrow before we all sat down for sushi (Katie's first time with chopsticks!). A fabulous last day!

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