Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Spent Monday trying to work out where the previous week had gone - although I already knew the answer to that one - and catching up with all these tasks that had fallen by the wayside while my attention was diverted elsewhere. Dozens of emails, various letters and forms, several newspapers and all sorts of other stuff were read, then either put aside to be acted upon later or binned. (I am ignoring the growing pile of ironing in the corner - that comes into the 'do it later' category.)

By tea-time I reckoned that I had got my head around the essentials - like renewing my house contents insurance (thank goodness there hadn't been a break-in during the past few days) - and had significantly de-cluttered my inbox as well as clearing the settee of yesterday's news.

Not sure how much I really achieved in the grand scheme of things - the ironing pile continued to grow as I completed another batch of washing - but felt that my efforts deserved a liquid reward. A small thirst-quencher while I decided what to make for dinner. And so ended another day.

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