
By weewilkie

safe crossing

This is Govan Road, the river road. The interpid hero steps into the steaming tarmac to get a stranded wee woman across this pitch-dark River Styx. The rain is relentless on his high-vis armour. The Monster Steamroller menaces close by. But neon knight thrusts his giant weapon into the fray of traffic and weather. He halts that most unruly of all beasts, the fabled Blackest Cab.
The wee maiden meets his eyes, fearful of stepping onto this scorched soft battlefield. She looks into the wise old face of her neon knight and his lollipop vanguard. He is firm: the Cab - briefly tamed- unsure of the power of the lollipop wand, the Roller steams and hisses but retreats. A nod from our Sir Govanahad. An intake of breath, a gulp and a step onto Hades from the fair woman.
Mist; steam trails this black river. Rain hissing. The Cab clacking away in agitation, but remains entranced by the staff of Stopping. Then a growl as the Roller turns and sees its prey on the open pathway. It growls and rumbles forwards, flattening all before it as it heads knightwards.
Our neon knight waves at our wee woman fair with a thrust of his weapon. Onwards dear lady to the other side !! She goes to shy away but takes heart from his zeal in his stopping ability to tame these twin terrors.
And she is past him and onto the other side.
She steps onto the far bank of the river, bedraggled but safe. She smiles. She turns in gratitude to her neon knight and stops in horror.... flanked either side by the beasts, the Cab and the Roller, move to claim him laterally.
"Aye, that'll be Coco !!!" he thunders to the falling sky and rotates his bladed circle stick copter-wise above his head. It hums, rents the sodden air and steam. His arms dance from side to side spinning the staff like a bandleader. He beguiles the onlookers, the beasts, the Govan weather. For a moment all is held in stasis....

And he is safely home at the side of the road himself. The wee woman fair exhales a gratitude to the Gods. Our neon knight touches his dazzling hood in recognition and turns to the smoking river road again. His lollipop blade by his side under the patter and hiss of summer rain. He waits, ready and bright, poised for the next punter.

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