
By JanBee

Garden dragon

With a dragons roar,
Branches relinquish their heat.
Blue smoke spirits rise.

.... back blip.

Men are coming tomorrow to try and sort out the area of the garden previously known as the vegetable plot. Mark was doing some preliminary clearing and made a bonfire to burn the results. We are lucky that we have space to be able to do this.

I love bonfires, something so compelling about them. Apparently the word "bonfire" comes from the practise of burning bones ....
"In the ancient druid religions, bonfires were held between 31 October and 5 November to celebrate Samhain, a harvest festival where they used bonfires to burn the bones of the slaughtered livestock they had stored for the winter months."

also of course we (in the UK) burn bonfires on November 5th to celebrate the fact that Guy Fawkes didn't blow up the House of Parliament ...
... interesting that the druid bonfire period coincides with this date ... coincidence, or another pagan festival hijacked for other purposes ...

As I did a very watery blip the other day, I might do a mini series of the elements.

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